Below are some of my favorite items that I frequently recommend. I have provided them here for the ease and convenience of having my recommendations just a click away!
Click on the picture to be linked directly to Amazon. I do receive a commission for any products sold through my links at Amazon at no extra cost to you, but you are welcome to shop locally for these products as well!
I also like Target and Meijer for their breastfeeding options.
Slow Flow Bottles - There are many other great bottles out there, but I like the shape and slow flow of these nipples.
Evenflo Balance - Also comes in glass but often sold out. Check Target or Meijer for in-store options
Pigeon SS or S Bottle
Sore Nipples
Silverettes - Any brand will do as long as they are real silver
Hydrogel Pads
Painful Pumping
Probiotics / Plugged ducts / Mastitis
For Mom's gut health
For Baby's Gut Health
Plugged Ducts
Milk production
Breastfeeding Aides
Brestfriend Nursing Pillow
Smaller Flange Sizes