In the comfort of your own home or virtual

Low weight gain

Latching difficulties

Nipple pain

Tongue Tie

Low milk supply

Plugged ducts/mastitis

Return to work

Prenatal - preparing to breastfeed

Bottle feeding (formula too)

Need more support

General questions

Call (269) 697-1088 for Appointment

Now taking appointments!

I work with clients in their home or via telehealth (video!)

Wherever you are most comfortable


Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

About Me

Elizabeth Ferrall, IBCLC, RD

I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Registered Dietitian. 

I have a heart for helping families and individuals live fully through healthy eating, which starts right from the beginning. I started my career as a Registered Dietitian 10 years ago and have been privileged to work with thousands of families to reach their goals for nutrition and breastfeeding since then. Like many mamas out there, I've been through the ups and downs of breastfeeding, utilizing Lactation Consultants during my own journey, and so glad that I did! 

It is my honor to work with you to reach your own breastfeeding and healthy eating goals.